Sockprints Cares: 3 Ways to Celebrate Make a Difference Day This Year

Sockprints Cares: 3 Ways to Celebrate Make a Difference Day This Year

With cozy sweaters, halloween-themed socks, and pumpkin spice lattes ( ...really, pumpkin spice everything 🎃 ☕️ 💕 ), it’s easy to get swept up in the festivities of fall. 🍁

One of our favorite fall traditions? National Make a Difference Day. 

The Origins of National Make a Difference Day

Make a Difference Day is a national holiday set on the fourth Saturday of each month (October 22rd this year).

Established in 1992, the day was originally created by USA TODAY (so, not another Hallmark holiday!) to encourage individuals nationwide to get out and volunteer in the community. Since then, it has grown significantly—being observed in over 25 countries worldwide and still clocking in as one of the largest single days of service in the U.S. 

3 Ways to Make a [Big] Difference, the Sockprints Way!

At Sockprints, we believe that small businesses can contribute to big change in the community. But we also believe that individuals can, too. 

This Make a Difference Day, we’re sharing three ways individuals can make a difference on a community level through a few of our partners—as well as some bonuses for things you can do to make a difference in the lives of the individuals around you, too. 

Tip one: Support vulnerable communities locally

With the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent job insecurity, over 60 million individuals in the U.S. relied on food banks to feed their families—including 13 million children. 

Organizations like Feed America are addressing the issue by ensuring communities across the U.S. have access to food banks and meal programs—serving 1 in 7 Americans nationwide. And they need your help! 

Ways to get involved: 

  • Donate. 97% of cash and non-cash donations go directly into programs supporting families in need—not overhead. Which means that for every $1 donated, at least 10 meals are created for families in need. That’s some crazy math… or maybe magic? (That’s also why Sockprints donates a portion of their sales to Feed America!)

  • Volunteer. Feed America relies heavily on its volunteer force to GET 👏 STUFF 👏 DONE 👏. In fact, 51% of its food programs rely solely on volunteers to work. (This is how they stretch your dollars into more meals for others). Both in-person and virtual volunteer opportunities exist nationwide, so take action today! 

  • Advocate. Have something to say about ending hunger? Follow Feed America on social media, send a letter to congress, or even start a fundraiser. You can personalize your involvement (kind of like your socks!) to match your available time and resources. 

A bonus way to support vulnerable communities? Donate socks! Seriously—it’s the number one requested clothing item at local shelters (...aaaand our blank socks are 60% off!). In fact, last year we donated 360 pairs of socks to the Fresno Mission to help individuals there set a record for the longest chain of socks! 

Tip 2: Support minority and women-owned businesses 

True. Sockprints is a women-owned business. BUT. We’re talking about something bigger than us here (and yet… still small businesses?) 

If this Make a Difference Day, you’re looking to expand your reach beyond your community—or even country—Kiva can help. 

Kiva is an international nonprofit that works to alleviate poverty by providing affordable loans for individuals from underserved communities to gain an education, start a business, or receive needed healthcare. 

Sockprints works directly with Kiva to fund microloans for women-owned businesses globally, but there are many other ways you can get involved, including: 

  • Funding loans to help individuals pay for tuition to get an education 👩‍🏫
  • Funding loans to help farmers in impoverished communities get equipment they need to grow food for their communities 🧑‍🌾
  • Funding loans that cover the cost of emergency—and often expensive—healthcare 🧑‍⚕️

Best yet, with Kiva you can choose where and what loans you help fund (again, we’re all about personalization here at Sockprints). So the individuals you support could be here could be in your local community—or a part of your larger global community. Again, it’s up to you. And since Kiva works with loans, you can “fund a loan, get repaid, [and] fund another.” In other words, the dollar you give is the dollar that keeps on giving (and giving and giving). 

Tip 3: Support veterans nationwide 

We love our pets (don’t believe us? Just check out our socks), and we love our vets, too. 

Which is why Sockprints donates to Pets for Vets. (Our National Adopt-A-Dog post tells all!). 

You can get involved by donating or volunteering your time. Alternatively, if you’re a vet who would like to apply, check out their website to get started. 

Bonus: Celebrating Make a Difference Day, One Person at a Time

The beautiful thing about Make a Difference Day? It helps us realize that volunteering and supporting others isn’t an obligation; it’s a privilege. And that as individuals devote time and energy to doing what they can, where they are, we can create big changes in our community, country, world—and in the lives of the people we love. 

If this Make a Difference Day, you want to keep it close to home, Sockprints has a number of gifts you can use to show support to someone you love—today, or any day. Let’s make this Make a Difference Day just the launching point to service and smiles. #MDDAY 💕🌟

Gift collections that say “I support you” 

  • “Think Pink” Breast Cancer Awareness Month Socks—perfect for loved ones, and their loved ones, who are battling or have overcome breast cancer. #GetYourPinkOn

  • PRIDE Sock Collection—to say “I’m with you” and “I’m proud of you” for your loved ones celebrating National Coming Out Day 

  • Inspirational Messages Collection—whether you’re looking for a faith-filled message of inspiration, or just some sassy #MondayMotivation to get your #BossLady bestie through a rough patch, we’ve got you covered!
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